黃金珠鬘─傳承概說 (The Golden Rosary)


噶舉傳承第一位上師帝洛巴以口傳教法,一代一代連續無間斷地將噶舉傳承的法教完整地傳至第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴。透過這活的傳承鏈,上師們將佛陀法教完整 地保存及延續,這是證悟上師與全然虔信弟子之間的殊勝連結。所有藏傳佛教的傳承,都將上師與弟子的關係視為非常神聖。





大譯師馬爾巴 (Marpa 1012~1097)

馬爾巴早期跟隨了薩迦派卓明耶喜喇嘛(Lama Drogmi Yeshe 993~1050)學習梵文,然後三次去印度,四次去尼泊爾求法。他曾跟隨一百零八位上師學習,而他主要的兩位上師是那洛巴(Naropa)和梅 紀巴(Maitripa)。

帝洛巴和那洛巴 (Tilopa 989~1069,Naropa 1016~1100)

那洛巴授予馬爾巴四種噶舉不共傳承法(四瑜伽):幻化及光明瑜伽(luminosity)、夢瑜伽(dream)、拙火瑜伽(innerheat)、中陰及遷識瑜伽(illusory body)(以上四種傳承法,經過那洛巴衍義成為那洛六法)。那洛巴從帝洛巴直接接法。帝洛巴則從兩個傳承承接此四大成就傳承法:從金剛總持直接接法,是謂近傳;從印度上師們接法是謂遠傳,是間接接法,因為不是直接由釋迦牟尼佛傳法。


密勒日巴 (Milarepa 1040~1123)


密勒日巴承接了閉關實修的教法,而馬爾巴很多優秀的弟子如哦秋多傑(Ngok Choku Dorje),楚敦旺給多傑(Tsurton Wanggyi Dorje)和梅通千波(Meyton Chenpo)承接了學院經教的教法。這是噶舉傳承分為實修證法及經教教法傳承的開始。

岡波巴 (Gampopa 1079~1153)

岡波巴大師亦名達波拉傑(Dhakpo Lhaje),與惹瓊巴(Rechungpa 1084~1161)是密勒日巴的兩大弟子。在三部著名的經典裡,佛陀曾預言岡波巴的轉世。岡波巴融合了密勒日巴大手印傳承及噶當巴(Kadampa)道次第傳承,此傳承被稱為達波噶舉(Dhakpo Kagyu)

岡波巴有三個弟子:杜松虔巴(Düsum Khyenpa),柏莫竹巴(Phakmo Trupa)和沙通修恭(Saltong Shogom)。杜松虔巴(1110~1193),亦名 康巴烏瑟(Khampa Usey)就是第一世噶瑪巴,他建立了噶瑪噶舉傳承。

Sourced from: https://kagyuoffice.org/kagyu-lineage/the-golden-rosary/

The forefathers in the Kagyu lineage are known as the “Golden Rosary.” The lineage of the Kagyu emphasizes the continuity of oral instructions passed on from master to student.

This emphasis is reflected in the literal meaning of “Kagyu.” The first syllable “Ka” refers to the scriptures of the Buddha and the oral instructions of the guru. “Ka” has the sense both of the enlightened meaning conveyed by the words of the teacher, as well as the force that such words of insight carries. The second syllable “gyu” means lineage or tradition. Together, these syllables mean “the lineage of the oral instructions.”

At the right is a detailed list of the Golden Rosary figures. Each name is clickable and takes you to further details on the main figures of the lineage, including the lineage of the Karmapas. Below is a short synopsis of the Kagyu lineage and a brief remark on some of the great founders who established this ancient tradition and passed it on from “mouth to ear” for so many centuries.


The Kagyu Lineage traces its origin back to the historic Buddha, Shakyamuni through Marpa, the great translator and yogi, who brought the unbroken lineage from India to Tibet.

Marpa The Translator

Marpa first trained as a translator under Drogmi Yeshe (993-1050), and then traveled three times to India and four times to Nepal in search of buddhist teachings. He is said to have studied with a hundred and eight masters and yogis, but his principal teachers were Naropa and Maitripa.


From Naropa, Marpa received the lineage of tantric teachings called the Four Special Transmissions (bK’a-babs-bzhi): the yogas of 1) illusory body and transference of consciousness, 2) dream, 3) luminosity, and 4) inner heat. Naropa obtained these teachings directly from Tilopa (988-1069), who in turn had received them from two original sources, called the direct and indirect lineage. The direct lineage and original source of the teachings was Buddha Vajradhara. The indirect lineage comes from four main teachers of Tilopa called the “four special transmission lineages.” Both Tilopa and Naropa are some of the greatest panditas, scholars, and siddhas, accomplished saints, of Nalanda, the famous Buddhist university of ancient India.


Marpa brought these lineages to Tibet, passing them on to his primary disciple and lineage holder, Milarepa (1040-1123), the most renowned and accomplished of Tibet’s tantric yogis, who achieved enlightenment in one lifetime. Milarepa held the lineage and tradition of the Practice Lineage. Some of the other great students of Marpa were Ngog Choku Dorjey, Tsurton Wangey and Meton Chenpo, who held the Marpa’s tradition of the Teaching Lineage. This is how the two great systems of the practice lineage and the teaching lineage were founded in Kagyu lineage.


The great master Gampopa (1084-1161), also known as Dakpo Lhaje, and Rechungpa (1084-1161) were the principal students of Milarepa. Gampopa was prophesized in the sutras by Buddha. He pioneered in establishing the framework of the lineage by unifying Milarepa’s Mahamudra lineage with the stages of the path tradition of the Kadampa lineage. This lineage and tradition is known as the Dhakpo Kagyu.

Gampopa had three heart disciples: Düsum Khyenpa, Phakmo Drupa and Saltong Shogom. Düsum Khyenpa (1110-1193), also known as Khampa Usey (literally, the “white-haired Khampa”), became known as the First Karmapa, who established the Karma Kagyu lineage.



(1012 ~ 1097)

